Liquid fertilisers are generally very high in nitrogen and are easily ingested through the leaves of the grass. They give an instant boost of growth and colour, so long as there is growth occurring. Products such as Nitrosol & Powerfeed will enhance soil fertility by encouraging beneficial soil micro organisms. A combination product containing liquid fertiliser along with organic seaweed extracts and a wetting agent will work wonders, to help bring some colour and life back after the stress of winter. A maintenance feed of Lawn Rescue is ideal for the summer months if the weather is hot and dry. It will feed and drought proof your lawn better than any other product on the market.
FertilisersWhen applying a granular fertiliser, don’t forget to water both before and after you apply it. By leaving the fertiliser on the leaves, you’ll risk leaf burn. Check the packaging of your product, just to be sure. There’s nothing worse than ending up with a brown lawn when what you are really trying to achieve is lush green! We recommend Sir Walter Fertiliser as it can be used on all types of lawn, is very economical and will provide your lawn with all the essential nutrients needed for premium growth. Scott’s Lawn Builder is another fertilising product that enhances root growth, while fertilising at the same time.